Coatbridge native forest project, marlborough


Forest Type - Native

Emission Reductions
41,500 tCO2 total stored
1,980 tCO2 annual removals

Start Date - 1994

Project Type - Reforestation
368 hectares

Standard - Permanent Forest Sink Initiative (PFSI)

Coatbridge is a family owned property of 1,600 hectares farmed by the Adams family since 1851 . The property undertakes a wide diversity of operations from forest regeneration, cattle and sheep farming, viticulture, and honey production. The owners have committed large parts of their land to forest regeneration by covenanting it under the PFSI to protect and promote natural forest recovery.

Income from carbon credit sales support the ecological development of the area, by diversifying the landowner income and putting value on retaining the forest. Carbon credits income supports the owners to maintain fire breaks, as well as pest and weed control.

A wilding control program is also being funded to stop the spread of invasive pines within the protected areas.