duntulm farm, wellington

Duntulm Farm Case study format.jpg

Forest Type - Native

Emission Reductions
16,000 tCO2 total stored
1,000 tCO2 annual removals

Start Date - 1995

Project Type - Reforestation
99 hectares

Standard - Permanent Forest Sink Initiative (PFSI)

Duntulm Farm is a property of 250 hectares located in the Mangatārere Valley. It became a permanent family home, where the owners now undertake various activities in addition to carbon farming, including commercial honey production. The primary aim of Duntulm Farm is to sequester carbon to avert catastrophic climate change.

The owners have committed a great portion of their land to forest regeneration by covenanting it under the PFSI to protect and promote natural forestry. Carbon credits provide the owners with the necessary resources to act as biodiversity custodians to propagate native plants, including clematis, native broom (Carmichaelia), tree nettles and kōwhai. They also manage the pest control programme by deploying and maintaining over 110 traps to reduce invasive species.


The property is a sanctuary for native wildlife, including bellbirds, rūrū, lizards and long tailed bats.

The owners are committed to share the property’ natural wonders by organising several tramps a year and they are planning to host conservation volunteers once the accommodations are completed.

Duntulm Farm has also inspired other farmers in the valley to covenant their land, therefore promoting further the regeneration of permanent forests in New Zealand.