kurunui station, otago

Kurunui photo_edit.jpg

Forest Type - Native

Emission Reductions
12,860 tCO2 total stored
1,150 tCO2 annual removals

Start Date - 1994

Project Type - Reforestation
98 hectares

Standard - Permanent Forest Sink Initiative (PFSI)

Kurunui is a 750-hectare property acquired by the Trotter family in 2017. The Trotters have committed to restoring the native forest, continuing the work of the previous owners who retired the land from all grazing in 2003. The entire property is covenanted in perpetuity under the QE II National Trust, with almost 100 hectares currently registered as a permanent carbon sink.

The property contains a range of diverse habitats which support significant native biodiversity including nationally threatened plant, bird, lizard and invertebrate species. Streams on the property contain populations of native fish including Canterbury galaxias and longfin eel.


The owners are working to preserve and enhance the forest’s conservation values, by supporting and accelerating regeneration and protecting the native fauna and flora. Activities include ongoing pest and weed management control as well as a fire risk management plan. The implementation of these protective measures is possible thanks to the income provided by the sale of carbon credits for voluntary offsetting.

Public access is granted at the discretion of the landowners, who welcome recreational users, and are exploring opportunities for further research with the University of Otago.