mount pleasant, marlborough

Forest Type - Native

Emission Reductions
9,400 tCO2 total stored
650 tCO2 annual removals

Start Date - 1996

Project Type - Regeneration
57 hectares

Standard - Permanent Forest Sink Initiative (PFSI)

Mount Pleasant is a family owned property located on the top of the South Island, protected with a covenant and registered with the PFSI.

The owner Maia Bahlsen settled here to preserve the cultural and environmental legacy of the land. Her project has put forward the importance of living with nature by building a passive homestead on the land which blends in with the surrounding forest. She focuses on implementing a holistic approach to land management, working with nature and not against it.

After 10 years, the results show a flourishing regrowth of New Zealand native trees including mānuka, kānuka, pongas, tōtaras and beach trees .


The forest has also contributed to the improvement of the water quality, with pristine waters springing forth from the mountain and forming the stream bringing life to the land below.

The 64-hectare property is home to a wide range of flora and fauna. It shelters many bird species such as kererū, fantail, ruru, tauhou (silvereye), tūi and bellbird. The NZ falcon is often seen at dusk and dawn soaring the hillside for prey.

The growth of the forest results in removal of atmospheric CO2 while promoting the regeneration of native trees. The sale of carbon credits allows the owner to protect and expand the native forest and to keep its original functions of carbon sink and water catchment area alive.